Fundamental care in cannabis cultivation is very important to ensure a good harvest and to obtain the desired results.
This care includes the following aspects: temperature, light level, water quality, good plant health, pest prevention and responsible agricultural practices.
First, the climate and temperature of the crop are critical to healthy plant growth. In general, cannabis crops do best when the temperature in the crop is maintained between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the day. High temperatures past this point can result in an inferior harvest. As for nighttime growing, the temperature must be reduced for the calming effects of cannabis to develop, i.e., nighttime temperatures should not go above 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
Next, adequate lighting is essential to ensure healthy plant growth. Light is one of the greatest resources for any crop, especially with cannabis crops. If there is adequate light, crops will grow well and give a superior harvest. An artificial light can be used to increase the duration of direct sunlight for plant growth.
In addition, subscription requirements should provide at least six to nine hours of direct sunlight to provide sufficient nutrients to the plant. The type of light and its capacity may vary depending on the type of cannabis being grown. An LED ricinine may be a good choice to create an ideal light environment for the plant.

We must also consider that water is a critical factor in maintaining a healthy crop.
For starters, water should have a moderate salt content for cannabis plants. Too much sodium will make the plant rough and dry, while too much nitrogen will make the plant grow too fast for resource depletion. The irrigation water should be rich in minerals, to stick as well as possible to the excellence and biological stability of the substrate.
The good health of the plant is one of the most important factors for the successful cultivation of cannabis. Fungi, cockroaches and pests can cause serious damage to the plant if attention is not paid at every step. Pot size also plays an important role in maintaining a healthy crop. The proper pot size will provide the optimum amount of space for the growing roots of the plant.
And finally proper agricultural practices is one of the main factors for the success of cannabis cultivation. This includes elements such as irrigation, pruning, pest treatment, etc. Automatic irrigation system is highly recommended to maintain the right humidity level. This will help prevent drying out during flowering, which is a key factor for a good harvest. Pruning economizes plant stress and allows nutrients to be distributed evenly, stimulating balanced growth. If there is an insect infestation, timely treatment can be the key to saving the crop; biological insecticides are preferable because of their environmentally friendly methods. Finally, fertilizers play an essential role in maintaining a healthy crop; they will provide essential energy for root development and successful plant growth.
There are numerous key factors for a quality cannabis crop. Special attention should be paid to temperature, light level, water quality, plant health and responsible farming practices to ensure a healthy crop with a good harvest. If these elements are carefully prevented, growers are sure to have a successful crop.

Environmental parameters to be maintained in a Cannabis crop.
- Air quality is particularly important when growing cannabis. This is because cannabis grows at optimal levels when exposed to an environment with optimal temperature and humidity. Smoke from the combustion of other chemicals or substances can interfere with this optimal environment. Therefore, an important priority when growing cannabis is to ensure air quality within the growing structure.
- Water quality is also a critical element for successful cannabis cultivation. The quantity and quality of water available can directly affect the quality of the final product. Correct irrigation, improved water quality and efficient water use are some key factors for better growing results and improved productivity.
- Soil quality is also an important element for cannabis cultivation. The soil must be rich in nutrients for cannabis cultivation to be successful. In addition, the soil must allow good root reach for the cannabis to continue to develop its root system. This is generally achieved with good crop rotation, proper tillage practice and improving the organic matter content in the soil.
- One of the biggest threats to cannabis cultivation is the reduction of biodiversity. This affects a variety of species, as well as their habitat and the natural resources on which they depend. The conservation of critical biological resources in the area of a cannabis cultivation is vital for long-term sustainability. This includes the preservation of certain species, including local wildlife through the establishment of designated environmental protection areas around cultivation sites.
- In addition to the environmental parameters mentioned above, there are other important considerations for successful cannabis cultivation. These include the use of sustainable farming practices, proper use of fertilizers, proper calibration of equipment, and proper crop safety around the industry. The right mix of these different environmental and agricultural factors is crucial for cannabis cultivation to achieve the desired success.

How to avoid diseases in a cannabis crop.
One of the most effective ways to prevent disease in a cannabis crop is to control water quality. The water used by growers should be free of pathogens, such as bacteria or viruses, and contain no chemicals or impurities. Growers should also opt for purified water sources for irrigation, fertilization and dipping fertilizers.
In addition, one way to prevent disease in a cannabis crop is to avoid stressing the plant. This means growers should not plant too many plants in one area, nor overuse fertilizers or pesticides. Excessive light, overuse of household tools such as the tayikom tapper, and transplanting plants from one location to another can cause plant stress. Therefore, it is recommended that growers be careful when using these tools to avoid this type of damage.
Growers should also be aware of the damage that can be caused by overwatering. Excess water can cause waterlogging diseases, as well as problems with plant nutrition and growth. This situation can be oiled with proper irrigation control so that the soil is kept moist and not stagnant.
There are some diseases that are related to air, soil and storage methods. Growers should keep storage areas well ventilated, dry and free of dust and contaminants. Growers should also opt for tested substrates, even for indoor growing, to avoid any diseases that trigger a fungal food toxin.
If growers take precautions like these, their cannabis crop is likely to be disease-free and have good yields. Once the plant is well established, they can apply preventative fungicides to prevent the spread of pathogens and other diseases. In addition, it is important for growers to perform regular routine checks to detect any diseases early.